Speech and Language Therapy (Communication, Eating and Drinking)

Speech and Language Therapy Picture
Speech and Lanauage Therapy provides services to people of all ages and diagnosis who have difficulties with communication and / or swallowing.  This includes assessment, diagnosis, and treatment which may include therapy, training, advice and sign posting to other services or activities.

Speech and Language Therapists work in the areas listed below

  • Children and Young People
  • Mental Health
  • Adults with Learning Disabilities
  • Adults with Acquired Difficulties

We work in partnership with:
Angus Council
Dundee City Council
Perth and Kinross Council
Care Provider Organisations
Voluntary & Charitable organisations

Referral to the Service

People are often referred for speech and language therapy by health, education and social care professionals.  However, you can get in touch with us and refer yourself for many concerns.

To self refer please see contact details below:

Adult Acute and Acquired Disorders:  01382 632931 or email tay-uhb.sltnwh@nhs.net
Adults with Learning Difficulties:  01382 346005
Children and Young People:  01382 346550 or email tay-uhb.sltsdundee@nhs.net

The Assessment

If assessment is required we will find out the range of problems you may be experiencing, and some of the underlying causes.  We will work with you to plan how best to address these problems.  This may include working with your family and carers as well as you.
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NHS Tayside Logo White
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022