Medical records

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The Scottish Care Information – Diabetes (SCI-Diabetes) system is Scotland’s national system for looking after all people with diabetes in Scotland. It is owned by the Scottish Government and has been running since 2002. SCI-Diabetes is an electronic health record that is accessible to all those who are involved in your care. This improves communication and makes sure that everyone stays up to date with your progress. It also allows us to easily monitor our progress as a team in terms of how well we are doing in providing the care that is recommended for those with diabetes.

If you are 14 years or older you can access your own information contained within SCI-Diabetes, by registering with the MyDiabetesMyWay website. Parents can also set up access to their child’s information – please ask a member of the team.
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HM Queen Elizabeth II black and white
NHS Tayside Logo White
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022