Personal records

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This page contains a number of forms that can be downloaded for your own records.

Carbohydrate and insulin diary

Keeping a diary for a short period of time is useful to make sure you are on the right amount of insulin. Your dietitian will advise you when would be the best time to do this.

Click here to download a diary for you to complete

This is an example of a completed diary:
table 39

8 point profile

An 8 point profile is when blood glucose is recorded 8 times over the course of a day.  This should be done before eating then at least 2 hours after eating, as well as a couple of times overnight.  Click here to download a table to make a record of all of the checks as well as the carbs that you have eaten.  This table will then allow you to adjust the carb ratio, as follows:
  • If blood glucose before and after a meal are well matched (within 2mmol of each other) then the ratio is correct.
  • If blood glucose levels 2 hours after are more than 2mmol above the pre-meal number it means not enough insulin was given to cover the carbs.
  • If blood glucose levels at least 2 hours after are less than 4 mmol/l it means too much insulin was given to cover the carbs.
Further information on how to change the carb ratio can be found here

Diabetes progress

Diabetes care involves lots of numbers!  Your blood glucose meter saves a lot these for you ( e.g. blood glucose, insulin to carbohydrate ratio, correction factor etc) but it is often useful to track progress over time.  You can use the following forms to help you do this:


MyDiabetesMyWay is the NHS Scotland interactive diabetes website to help support people who have diabetes, as well as their family and friends. It allows you to access your own health records and provides you with a lot of the information mentioned above (e.g. HbA1c, annual review results).  There's also lots of other educational material as well as tips of goal setting to improve your diabetes control.

If you are 14 years old and over, you can access the site directly. If your child is less than 14 years old, you can access the site on their behalf. All we need is your email address to set this up for you.

Click here for more information on mydiabetesmyway
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HM Queen Elizabeth II black and white
NHS Tayside Logo White
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022