Remuneration Committee

Welcome to the Remuneration Committee page.

The fourth edition of the Staff Governance Standard made clear that each NHSScotland Board is required to establish a Remuneration Committee whose main function is to ensure application and implementation of fair and equitable pay systems on behalf of the Board, as determined by Ministers and the Scottish Government.

1. Chair - Mrs Tracey Bowman
2. Vice Chair - Mrs Lorna Birse-Stewart
3. Lead Officer - Mr David Dall

The Remuneration Committee will oversee the remuneration arrangements for Executive Directors and others under the Executive Cohort and Senior Management Pay Systems and also to discharge specific responsibilities on behalf of Tayside NHS Board as an employing organisation.

Ensure that arrangements are in place to comply with NHS Tayside Performance Assessment Agreement and Scottish Government direction and guidance for determining the employment, remuneration, terms and conditions of employment for Executive Directors, in particular:
  •  Approving the person objectives of all Executive Directors in the context of NHS Tayside’s Local Delivery Plan, Corporate Objectives and other local, regional and national policy.
  • Receiving formal reports on the operation of remuneration arrangements and the outcomes of the annual assessment of performance and remuneration for each of the Executive Directors.

Ensure that arrangements are in place to determine the remuneration, terms and conditions and performance assessment for other staff employed under the ‘Executive Cohort’ and ‘Senior Manager’ pay systems. The Committee will receive formal reports annually providing evidence of the effective operation of these arrangements.

Promote the adoption of an NHS Tayside approach to issues of remuneration and performance assessment to ensure consistency.

Undertake reviews of aspects of remuneration/employment policy for Executive Directors (e.g. Relocation Policy) and other Senior Staff (e.g. Special Remuneration), when requested by NHS Tayside.

Consider any redundancy, early retirement or termination arrangement in respect of all NHS Tayside staff, excluding early retirement on grounds of ill health, and approve these or refer to Tayside NHS Board as it sees fit.

Approve payment of Discretionary Points to eligible specialist, medical and dental staff based on competent recommendations from the appropriate advisory bodies.

Further Information

For further information please contact Head of Committee Administration on 01382 740760 ext 40760 or email
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NHS Tayside Logo White
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022