Milestone for Mental Health Services in Tayside


For immediate release

Milestone for Mental Health Services in Tayside

The first key milestone in the journey to improve mental health services in Tayside has been reached with the publication of Listen. Learn. Change - A Draft Action Plan for Mental Health in Tayside 2020.

The draft action plan responds to the 51 recommendations set out in Trust and Respect: the Independent Inquiry Report into Mental Health Services in Tayside which was published in February 2020. It has been developed on behalf of, and under the direction of, the Tayside Executive Partners, who are leading the multidisciplinary response to the Independent Inquiry. The plan has also been endorsed by the Board of NHS Tayside for all organisations involved in delivering mental health services.

Grant Archibald, NHS Tayside Chief Executive, said, “In February, the Board of NHS Tayside made a clear commitment to ensure better engagement with all stakeholders in helping shape the delivery of mental health services. It is important that we deliver on our promise to the people of Tayside to listen, learn and change regarding mental health services and this action plan is the first step.

“Our response to COVID-19 has presented a few limitations on our plans for face-to-face engagement but the Board of NHS Tayside made an early decision in the pandemic that mental health services would remain a priority.

“That is why over the past three months, engagement has continued and we have found new ways of reaching out to people, including service users, families and carers. We have also continued our engagement with the Stakeholder Participation Group, which was established by the Independent Inquiry, by connecting in new, virtual ways to make sure that those with lived experience are at the centre of everything we do. The Tayside Executive Partners are committed to reaching out further and finding ways of making new connections with people from all over Tayside in the coming months.

“Last week we hosted an online Stakeholder Development Session with around 70 participants including service users, families, carers and members of the Stakeholder Participation Group. Culminating in a question and answer session, it was widely welcomed by those attending. Further sessions will now be arranged in order that those important voices of people with lived experience continue to feature strongly – and influence - the direction of travel.”

Kate Bell, Interim Director of Mental Health with NHS Tayside said, “Despite being in post for only a couple of months, I have been so impressed by everyone’s commitment to improving mental health and wellbeing services.

“The draft action plan covers a whole range of services in our communities and in our hospitals and other facilities and its comprehensive nature is testament to all staff and partners.”


NHS Tayside Communications

(01382) 424138

Notes to editors:

3 June 2020