NHS Tayside staff train in perinatal and infant mental health

NHS Tayside staff train in perinatal and infant mental health


Photograph attached: Justine Anderson (back, right) with some of the new Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Champions (from left) Pamela Dempster, Sally McMartin, Chandi Temituro and Rebecca Swanston

NHS Tayside staff train in perinatal and infant mental health

A group of midwives and health visitors from NHS Tayside have recently undertaken training to support parents with their mental health and wellbeing during pregnancy and after birth.

Fifteen staff have so far completed the training, which aims to raise awareness and develop understanding of the nature and range of mental illnesses that can affect mothers and, in some cases, fathers or partners during pregnancy and after birth. This can help to identify mental health problems at an early stage and ensure sensitive and appropriate support for families.

Those who have completed the training will also become Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Champions with the tools, information and support to pass on the training to colleagues and become a local resource for services in NHS Tayside.

Specialist midwife for perinatal mental health Justine Anderson said, “It is essential that new mothers, fathers and partners feel able to discuss their health concerns knowing they will be understood and supported sensitively. Such skilful and sensitive work with families experiencing perinatal mental illness aims to remove any stigma parents might feel and encourages them to seek and accept help early.”

Rosey Adams, who is the expert by experience on NHS Tayside’s perinatal and infant mental health steering group, said, “When a parent reaches out for help it is so important that the professionals they speak to have understanding of perinatal mental health in order to help support them. This training is a brilliant step towards ensuring all families are given the right care at the right time for their mental health.”


Louise Wilson

NHS Tayside Communications

(01382) 740718

14 September 2021