What to Expect from Your Appointment

What will happen at my assessment appointment?

You will be seen by an Audiologist who will discuss any problems you are having with your hearing.  They will ask you about how your hearing is affecting your day-to-day activities and lifestyle.  They may also ask about your general health and any related problems which you have, such as tinnitus or problems with your balance.

The Audiologist will then examine your ears and they may also perform a test called tympanometry to see how well the middle part of your ear is functioning. They will assess your hearing using a technique known as Pure Tone Audiometry.

What will happen during the hearing test?

You will be asked to wear headphones and listen to sounds over a range of pitches that are important for hearing speech and everyday sounds.  You will be asked to press a button each time you hear a sound.  The sounds will be made gradually quieter to find the softest sounds that you are able to hear in each ear.
hearing test

Hearing test being performed

What happens after testing?

The Audiologist will explain all of the test results and the options available to you.  Together, we will formulate an Individual Management Plan based around your individual goals and how they may be achieved.

Will I be offered a hearing aid?

The Audiologist will discuss the options with you.  Not everyone will want to have, or be suitable for, a hearing aid due to the nature of their hearing problem.  You may be shown more than one suitable hearing aid so that you can choose which you would prefer to try at your next appointment.
Hearing Aids Photo

Hearing Aids

Perhaps you are not ready for hearing aids yet?

If you choose not to try a hearing aid, we can offer advice to help you hear in situations you may find challenging such as on the telephone or in background noise.


hearing test being performed

Ear being examined using an auroscope.

What to expect from your hearing aid issue appointment

If, at your assessment appointment, it was agreed that hearing aids are required you will be given a further appointment to have them fitted.  This appointment is usually 45 minutes to an hour long.

The audiologist will check the fit of your ear mould (or open fitting) and ensure that it is comfortable and make several recordings of the hearing aid to ensure that it is working to the correct levels for your hearing loss and that you are happy with the way the hearing aid sounds.  The audiologist will show you how the hearing aid works and how to look after it.

You will be given information leaflets which remind you how to look after your hearing aid and where you can get support if you are having problems.

Once the fitting is complete the audiologist will arrange for a follow up appointment to check how you are getting on with your new hearing aid. This will be approximately 8 to 10 weeks after your fitting.

hearing aid issue appointment

Hearing aid issue appointment

What to expect from your follow up appointment

Hearing Aid Follow Up
All patients fitted with a hearing aid for the first time will be offered a face to face follow up appointment.  This appointment is usually arranged within 6-10 weeks of the hearing aid issue.

You will be asked questions regarding the hearing aid and how it is benefiting you.

Adjustments to hearing aids can be made and any questions you may have regarding the hearing aid or the services provided can be answered.

There is on-going support available to help you with your hearing aids, please see our Hearing Aid Repairs and Maintenance section.

Telephone Follow Up
If you are an existing hearing aid user and your hearing aids have been changed or your Audiologist feels that you will not have any additional issues using your hearing aid, a telephone follow up appointment will be scheduled.

A member of our team will call you at a specific pre arranged time and date, where questions regarding the hearing aid and how it is benefiting you will be asked.

This is also an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have regarding the hearing aid or the services provided.

hearing aid follow up appointment

Hearing aid follow up appointment

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1926 - 2022