What Is Hyperacusis, And What Can You Do About It?

Hyperacusis is an increased sensitivity or decreased tolerance to many everyday sounds e.g. conversation, traffic, household appliances. Up to 40% of people with tinnitus describe a degree of hyperacusis. Hyperacusis can exist on its own or alongside a number of other symptoms such as in Ménière’s disease and Chronic Fatigue syndrome.

Hyperacusis affects people in different ways. For some people, it is a minor annoyance but other people find it really difficult to live with. Some people with Hyperacusis withdraw from social and professional activities and become isolated; this can make the problem worse as they become fearful and anxious. Therapy often involves addressing these fears and anxieties.

There are different types of sound sensitivities:

  • Hyperacusis - Describes the experience of some people for whom even quite modest environmental sounds appear loud, intrusive and sometimes painful.
  • Phonophobia - Sensitivity is specific to a particular sound or sound, and people then have an aversion or anxiety related to those sounds.
  • Misophonia - The intense dislike or even repulsion that some people with hyperacusis experience to a particular sound.
  • Recruitment - An altered sound tolerance in people who have a hearing loss.

We accept referrals for patients who have been seen by their GP or the Ear Nose and Throat Department and have been referred to us for more advice about their tinnitus. Typically, most patients are seen in the clinic up to five times.

  • Initially we phone each patient to gain a better understanding of their hyperacusis and how it is affecting them
  • We then bring patients in for an assessment to do a hearing test, provide personalised counselling and support and to jointly agree on a treatment plan
  • Further appointments focus on delivering the treatment plan and following up on each patient’s progress
We can provide a sound desensitisation programme which includes:

  • Informational counselling and emotional adjustment
  • Sound therapy
  • Challenging perceptions about sounds & ear protection
  • Exposure training
  • Relaxation
  • Signposting to online peer support
  • Referrals to psychological support

There is not a national charity for hyperacusis but there is an international forum called the Hyperacusis Network you may wish to also review.
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