
Handwriting is a key occupation for children and young people and is a complex activity that involves many skills.

Writing is not just about holding a pencil and forming letters and numbers. The development of pre-writing skills are extremely important. Please watch the Little Scribblers video below for activity ideas of pre-writing skills.

Please see information sheets below for activities to support pre-writing and handwriting skills.

Attention and Concentration
Bilateral Integration
Crossing the Midline
Play Dough
Finger Isolation
Hand Strength
Hand Dominance
In Hand Manipulation
Pincer Grasp
Pre writing Skills
Alternatives to Handwriting
Our colleagues in Glasgow have developed questionnaires to offer strategies to help your child before starting school or nursery. Click on the links below to work through these;

Link to Nursery Questionnaire from KIDS Scotland
Link to School Questionnaire from KIDS Scotland
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1926 - 2022