Self Care

It's important that you look after yourself, and in the same way that vaccinations protect us against illness, so we can build our natural resources to protect our mental wellbeing. Make sure you eat and drink healthily with plenty of fruit, vegetables and water. This will help to boost your immune system and increase your energy levels. 

Regular self car helps up feel better in our bodies, so having a shower or bath regularly and putting clean clothes on in the morning can be a really positive start to each day. Ensuring you keep a good sleep routine is vital for maintaining good mental and physical health. Try to get up and go to bed at around the same time each day, you'll feel much more refreshed and energised. If you are struggling to sleep try to avoid sugar, caffeinated or fizzy drinks in the evening. Instead, take a bath, listen to relaxing music, read a book or comic or practice some breathing exercises.
health and wellbeing - sleeping
Being kind to ourselves and others has a really positive effect on our self esteem and confidence - remember a little kindness can go along way and really changes a person's day.
HM Queen Elizabeth II black and white
NHS Tayside Logo White
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022