Parents & Carers - School age

advice hints tips
Rhyming Robin and Chatty Charlie have designed this page to give you information about school-age children’s speech, language and communication development. If you have concerns about your child’s communication, please use the tabs below to help you to identify the relevant areas in which to access advice/strategies which you could try at home.
Our advice line is also available for parents, carers and professionals to discuss concerns about a child or young person’s speech, language, communication or eating and drinking. We can offer advice, guidance, reassurance or strategies.
Our advice line is available at the following times: Tuesdays 9.30am - 11.30am and Thursdays between 4pm - 6pm. Our Advice Line number is: 01382 740317.
The information provided from the above sources should help you to know if a request for assistance is required from our service, for more help.
C&YP AHP Advice Line 2024 Poster
HM Queen Elizabeth II black and white
NHS Tayside Logo White
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022