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Clinic is a time to learn how well someone is adjusting to diabetes and to make sure they stay in good health. Please make every effort to attend and to phone and let us know if you are going to be unable to be there.

We hold two types of clinic. One is a 'regular' clinic which is held using the Nearme video call service . In this clinic we can make adjustments to diabetes management and address issues which are important to you at the time. We may at times use this regular clinic appointment as a diabetes education session. The other type of clinic is the 'annual review' clinic where we carry out screening tests to ensure you are healthy and not developing complications of diabetes.

Annual review clinic

Height, weight and HbA1c are checked again at annual review clinic, along with the following:

Blood Pressure

A blood pressure check is common at any medical clinic, and is especially important for those with diabetes. Poor blood glucose control over a long time may cause kidney problems, which in turn may increase blood pressure readings.

Urine sample

The first urine specimen passed in the morning can be tested for protein, a possible early sign of kidney problems. Further tests may be needed to see what, if any, problem exists.

Eye test

Poor diabetes control can cause eye problems. Yearly appointments for photos of the back of the eyes (“retinal images”) are arranged for those over 11 years of age to help find early eye problems.


Foot care is important for those with diabetes. If 12 years or older, you may have a foot examination at clinic although usually only if problems are being experienced - in which case a referral to a podiatrist will be made.

Other tests

More detailed tests may be needed after a “screening” check. Screening aims to find problems as early as possible, when they can be dealt with more easily. Blood tests, taken every year or so, look for conditions more often seen in people with diabetes, such as thyroid and adrenal gland problems, and coeliac disease.
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Regular clinics

Nearme clinics
All of our regular clinics take place using the Nearme video software.  Your appointment letter will contain information on how to join the call.  Further information on Nearme calls is available here.
The focus of these clinics is on catching up on how things are going, reviewing diabetes data and making changes to help improve glucose control.

In person clinics
We can arrange an in person clinic as an alternative to the Nearme option if you would prefer - please let us know by contacting the team

Teenage clinic
When you reach the age of around 15 years you will be invited to attend the teenage clinic. The teenage clinic is a Near Me clinic held on Wednesday afternoons. You will usually see your usual team at these appointments. The purpose of the teenage clinic is to redirect the focus of the consultation from issues affecting younger children to issues which are relevant to teenagers. These may include, driving, working, drinking alcohol, smoking and relationships. The team will be guided by you about what you wish to discuss. At your teenage clinic appointments, we will also discuss ‘transition’ which is the process of moving from the paediatric to the adult service.

Transition clinic (moving on to adult services)
Transition is the process of moving from the paediatric to the adult service. This will be discussed with you from around age 16 within the teenage clinic. Your team will make plans with you so that this can be done at the right time for you and so that you will have the opportunity to meet the adult team before you move on from the paediatric clinic. This takes place in the dedicated ‘transition clinic’. If you are moving away and wish to transition to an adult clinic out with Tayside we will refer you to an adult diabetes team in your chose area. We can talk to you about this so that you know your options. Please ask at any time.

Please see the Digibete 16+ page for information and resources relevant to young adults approaching transition to adult services along with a quiz to test your knowledge. Also available on the Digbete app.
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HM Queen Elizabeth II black and white
NHS Tayside Logo White
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022