Care Experienced Young People's Service (CEYPS)

Our webpage provides information for children & young people, their parents / carers and professionals working with young people. Please see below for further information.

What is CEYPS?

CEYPS is a nursing service for care experienced young people, our team is made up of a variety of nurses and midwifes with a range of backgrounds. Referrals can be made by a young person direct, parent/carer or another health or other professional, as detailed below.

What do CEYPS provide?

CEYPS provides care, support, and advice to care experienced children and young people up to the age of their 26th birthday.
We carry out a health assessment and talk about any health concerns you may have.
We offer support to access other services such as mental health, sexual health, and adult services.

Contact & Referral

CEYPS is open Monday to Friday 08.30 to 17:00.
Address: Care Experienced Young Peoples Service, Armistead Child Development Centre, Kingscross site.
Telephone: 01382 835100
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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022