

Who we are:

The acute stroke service is a Tayside wide service. Stroke consultants provide 24/7 cover for patients who have had an acute stroke. The inpatient acute stroke service is based in ward 5 in Ninewells with patients moved to stroke units in PRI, Cameron, or RVH, Dundee if they need ongoing inpatient rehab following their acute treatment. In addition to management of inpatients we also run a daily weekday rapid access TIA clinic.

Who to refer:

Please click on the relevant link at the bottom of the page for either stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA) referral guidance.

*If a patient is having an acute stroke within the last 4.5 hours dial 999 for a “bluelight” ambulance to Ninewells, for consideration of thrombolysis and/or thrombectomy – every second counts*

If someone has intermittent acute symptoms or has a TIA in atrial fibrillation and/or on anticoagulation they should be referred for same-day inpatient assessment (via on-call bleep #4660 or via consultant connect), rather than being referred to the TIA clinic.

Who not to refer

  • If the patient is needing input from a therapist, this is best done by referring directly to the appropriate discipline.
  • If someone has worsening of old symptoms due to an intercurrent illness, they should be referred to a more appropriate service depending what the underlying intercurrent illness is.

 How to refer

Please follow the referral pathway links at the bottom of the page.
Self-referral pathways are being developed to physiotherapists following stroke.

Alternatives to Referral

For urgent advice we can be contacted Monday – Friday 9am-5pm and weekends/public holidays 9am-3pm on bleep 4660 or via consultant connect.
Outwith these hours we are not able to offer consultant advice to GPs or paramedics and any calls should be made to the acute medicine team at Ninewells via their bleep or consultant connect.

For non-urgent advice we recommend using the advice request function via SCI gateway (under General medicine - stroke).

Useful Resources

Tayside Stroke Managed Clinical Network (MCN) site on Staffnet – for further guidance on pathways, treatment etc.

NICE Clinical Knowledge Summary (CKS) on Stroke/TIA

Green Health Prescriptions
(for Dundee catchment area) offer you a pathway to link your patients to local Third Sector nature-based intervention delivery partners. The initiative aims to bring about a step change in the use of nature-based solutions to deliver health outcomes.
Our partners are well established and offer a wide variety of activities suitable for many health conditions including: Supportive programmes
Nature-based interventions

All our partners have trained staff and volunteers as well as appropriate risk assessments in place.