Financial Inclusion


Who We Are

NHS Tayside Directorate of Public Health (Financial inclusion and health inequalities team) in partnership with local authority Welfare Rights advice services across Tayside.

Welfare Rights services provide a free service that can help sort out a wide range of benefit, tax credit and debt problems.

Who to Refer

Residents of Dundee, Angus and Perth who have money worries and have agreed to a referral as per the Financial Inclusion referral pathway.

Who Not to Refer

For residents/patients out-with Dundee, Angus and Perthshire area, please refer to Citizens Advice Scotland: , telephone 0800 028 1456

How to Refer

Patients can refer into their local Welfare Rights Team either by e-mail or phone or by using an online referral form. A professional led referral is preferable as it can help patients overcome the first step of contacting an advice service.

Angus locality -
or 03452 777 778 or by using the online referral form

Dundee locality
or 01382 431188

Perth & Kinross locality
or 01738 476900

Useful Resources

For staff:
Improvement Service’s short video ‘Money worries in sickness and in health’ is a useful resource:

Public Health staff can arrange awareness sessions/training for staff groups.

Printed benefit entitlement and financial inclusion resources can be made available to offer patients.

For more information on training or patient resources please contact: