Contact Information & FAQs

Contact Information

Note that this email address contacts the team managing the website rather than the service itself; as such, please do not reach out with clinical queries or concerns.

What is RefGuide?

RefGuide is a section of the NHS Tayside Website providing key service and condition-specific referral information for NHS Tayside services.

Who is RefGuide for?

RefGuide is primarily a resource for clinicians. For GPs to help them navigate the huge array of services and support them in making high- quality referrals to those services. For specialists, to help them provide consensus guidance and direction to help GPs make the best use of their service.  

Why do we need a RefGuide?

To achieve consensus and to provide clear, point of need information to support high-quality referral. 

What type of information can I find on RefGuide?

An overview of how to access each service, as well as concise referral guidance for common referral areas. You will be signposted to relevant national and/or guidelines and useful resources. 

Where does the content come from?

Each speciality is asked to nominate a clinical lead. Their role is to liaise with colleagues, achieve departmental consensus and then work with GP Referral advisors and GP representatives  to provide agreed content. 

How was the information agreed?

All 'referral pathway' clinical content is shared with and commented on by GP representatives prior to being approved and added to the site. 

Why are some pages blank?

Where a page is blank that means we are still waiting for content to be created, submitted and approved. It was important to get the site running to make use of information already gathered and to help encourage further development. We apologise for any inconvenience caused in looking for and finding content. 

How will I know when new content is added?

Content is evolving all the time. You will be directed to content via newsletters or perhaps by services. The point is for the information to be available at point of need. You can navigate via the main menu or use the search box. Keywords and tags have been added to help you use the search facility to find any content you can't easily see from the main speciality menu. 

How will specialists use the content?

Services will be encouraged to direct you to relevant content for your information. For example in providing feedback via SCI advice referrals. 

Is the site intended for use by the public?

The site is primarily meant for use by clinicians. Clinicians may wish to direct members of the public to the many patient resources linked to on the site. 

Can I use the 'search box' on the NHS Tayside Website to find information. 

Yes. Keywords have been added to help narrow searches. Initialising your keyword with 'RG' will also help narrow your search to the correct page. 

As a specialist how should I use the RefGuide content?

You may wish to direct GPs to known RefGuide content in correspondence. This can be helpful in directing the GP towards the agreed referral information, resources or reminders. 

As a service why should we use RefGuide? 

RefGuide is NHS Tayside's agreed definitive resource for posting referral information. It is supported by appropriate governance to ensure content is approved and maintained.