Spiritual Care and Bereavement Service

Who we are

Healthcare Chaplains serve the spiritual care needs of patients in hospital and their relatives. Chaplains may also serve to connect patients with faith leaders in the community who may provide specific religious care. Patients and families may further be referred to the community listening service outwith the hospital. Additionally, the bereavement service provides relevant support and resources to partners and/or relatives of a deceased patient.

Who to Refer 

Patients and anyone (family/friends) who might be impacted by the situation who might benefit from emotional and listening support

How to Refer 

Any member of staff may make a referral, or a patient may self-refer. From 8-4pm contact 01382 423 110. For out of hours support call switchboard 01382 660 111 at and ask for the on-call chaplain.
Note: to request a Roman Catholic priest call switchboard and ask that the on-call priest be paged.

Useful Resources