Adult Acquired Speech and Language Therapy Resources

Please find below resources created by our team.

We also aim to share links to other resources we have created or have found useful on our Twitter account @TaysideSLTAdult.

Words of the Week

Words of the Week (Wow) are sets of 10 current news stories which are simplified into 1 or 2 sentences and a related picture. The resource was originally used to improve word finding of proper names for people with aphasia. However they can be used for multiple purposes including improving attention, reading, memory, writing, and computer skills. The sets are also a good source of information and topics for conversation.

If you wish to sign up to MailChimp to receive the weekly WoW set to your email address you can follow the link below:

Words of the Week sign up

Please find a link to a list of all of the proper nouns for this year and suggestions of ways in which these can be used: Proper Nouns List 2021

The current Words of the Week set is available for download by clicking on the image below:

Words of the Week Logo

Written Choice Communication Guide

Written choice communication is a method that enables people to relate to others in everyday life despite lack of speech or unclear speech.

Click on image below to open the full Written Choice Communication Guide.
Written choice guide cover

Drawing Resource

The drawing resource is a compilation of resources to support drawing as a therapy method in aphasia rehabilitation. 

Click on the link below to access this resource.
Drawing Resource Image

Name and Tag

Nameandtag are 5 Instagram accounts we have created to use in therapy for both individual therapy and groups,we find patients are motivated to engage with Nameandtag independently between sessions which significantly increases their quantity of practice.

Anyone with an Instagram account can view these through the Instagram app or through a web browser ( You might want to create an Instagram account for your department to keep this separate from your personal account.

In Instagram you can locate our sets by searching for Nameandtag1, Nameandtag2, Nameandtag3, Nameandtag4 and Nameandtagverbs. The sets have public access, so you do not need to be accepted to view them.

The photos can be used for a variety of WFD therapies, if you wish to view an information sheet describing the ways we have used the resource please click on the image below.

NameandTag Screenshot

Manual for Mealtimes

The Manual for Mealtimes contains detailed advice on how to support people with eating and drinking which SLT have introduced for care home residents in Tayside.

The manual was originally developed by NHS Lothian and is now being rolled out in Tayside. Every care home in Tayside will receive a copy of the Manual for Mealtimes, which includes:
  • information on referral pathways
  • eating and drinking problem charts
  • specific advice in key areas
  • record sheets to monitor progress
  • a prompt poster for guidance
  • a training video as a visual teaching guide to implement the manual

Click on the link below to access this resource.

Manual for Mealtimes

See to access the training video
Manual for Mealtimes logo

NHS Tayside Adult Acquired Speech & Language Therapy YouTube channel

Here you will find videos and information regarding communication and swallowing which have been created by various members of the team. You can click on the image below to take you straight to the page, or you can hover your phone camera over the QR code.

Speech and Language Therapy Voice YouTube Logo
HM Queen Elizabeth II black and white
NHS Tayside Logo White
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022