Information for Referrers

Photodiagnostic Service - How To Refer

The Photobiology Unit is a tertiary referral centre and accepts referrals for the Scottish Photobiology Service from any Dermatologist in Scotland. Please send a referral letter to Professor Sally Ibbotson, Scottish Photobiology Service, Photobiology Unit, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee, DD1 9SY. The Unit will also consider referrals from outwith Scotland, although there may be an associated cost. Please contact Professor Ibbotson at the above address.

The Scottish Cutaneous Porphyria Service accepts referrals as detailed on their website

Photodiagnostic Service - Referral Criteria

Plese consider referring any patient:
  • With suspected or confirmed photosensitivity
  • In whom the diagnosis is unclear
  • In whom advice is required regarding management
  • In whom photosensitivity needs to be excluded

Phototherapeutic Service - How to Refer

Referrals for phototherapy (ultraviolet phototherapy, ultraviolet photo(chemo)therapy, laser therapy and photodynamic therapy) are possible from within NHS Tayside, please follow standard referral procedures. Phototherapies may be offered to other health boards outwith NHS Tayside but there may be an associated cost.

Could it be Light Sensitivity?

A visual guide to some of the common signs and symptoms experienced with photosensitivity.
Photosensitivity Red Flags

This poster describes the common signs and symptoms of light sensitivity.

Click on the links below to find out more information on the services we provide

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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022