What does the screen look for and when will i get the results?

OAE Paediatric Audiology
The screen looks for a clear response from both ears.

If the hearing screen shows a clear response from both ears

  • your baby is unlikely to have a hearing loss.
  • you will be given a list of the sounds your baby should respond to as he or she grows older.

If the hearing screen does not show a clear response from one or both ears

Your baby may have a hearing loss.

Other reasons your baby may not show a clear response

  • Your baby may have had fluid or a temporary blockage in the ears after birth.
  • Your baby may have been unsettled during the screen.
  • There may have been background noise.

An appointment will be made for you to see a specialist at the Audiology Department for further assessment.

When will I get results?

You’ll usually get the results as soon as the screen is finished. If you have any worries or questions, speak to your health professional.
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