What will happen if my baby does not have the hearing screen?

If your baby has a hearing loss and it’s not detected early, this can affect their development. If it is detected early, you can get support, advice and information about all the options that are available, allowing you to make an early informed choice about how you wish your baby’s hearing loss to be managed.


Two to three babies in every 100 screened do not show a clear response on hearing screening.

One to two babies in every 1000 have a hearing loss in one or both ears.

It’s very important to attend the audiology appointment if...

The hearing screen doesn’t show a clear response from one or both of your baby’s ears. This is to confirm if he or she has a hearing loss.

Audiology appointments are held within Paediatric Audiology, Kings Cross Health & Community Care Centre, Dundee.

These appointments can take up to 2 hours, you should bring all required items to feed, change and settle your baby( milk, nappies and wipes, change of clothes, pram/car seat) as your baby must be sleeping for the assessment.

You will be informed of the outcome of the assessment at the time.

Further information is available at: www.nhsinform.scot/healthy-living/screening.
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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

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