Referral Criteria

The YPU accepts referrals from Consultant Psychiatrists and CAMHS clinicans from the 5 Health Boards involved in the North of Scotland CAMHS Tier 4 Network (i.e. Grampian, Highland (excluding Argyll & Bute), Orkney, Shetland and Tayside.

The referral criteria is listed below:
  1. Young people aged 12-18 years
  2. Young person will have mental health disorders (including mild learning disability with comorbid mental health disorder).
  3. These difficulties should amount to a significant risk to the safety, health or developmental progress of the young person.
  4. The young person is suitable for an open ward environment.

Criteria for exclusion as follows:
  1. The young person has a moderate to severe learning disability
  2. Requiring a higher level of security to maintain safety of the young person or others
  3. The young person has been assessed by the consultant responsible for YPU and deemed unsuitable for admission.

The YPU's Operational Policy is accessible by clicking on the link. The policy defines the values and principles which the service is based and describes the parameters of the service provision.

CAMHS Tier 4 Referral Form

When admitted, young people will be assessed following the inpatient assessment pathway.

Early care planning will be arranged within two weeks of admission. The care of the young person is reviewed every fortnight. These generally involve the young person, their family, the home team, the YPU team and other relevant agencies engaged at that time in the young person's care. There is also a team meeting discussion fortnightly which will focus on the day to day care.

Discharge planning occurs as soon as the young person is admitted. A discharge planning meeting is arranged as required.

The YPU is only part of the North of Scotland Tier 4 Network. The network covers the north region of Scotland as noted above in the operational policy.

There are 3 network liaison nurses for Highland, Grampian (who also covers Shetland and Orkney) and Tayside.

The integrated care pathway (ICP) that is used in the North of Scotland has been devised to monitor the care that is received by young people in the north of Scotland. The variance in care is monitored and reported to enable services to plan and deliver care.
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NHS Tayside Logo White
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022