The Value of Appraisal (PDP/PDR)

Value of appraisal
With the end of e-KSF and the introduction of Turas Appraisal for Agenda for Change staff, this presents an opportunity to rebalance and refocus on the meaningful conversation and set of actions agreed between an individual and their manager - aligning everyone's efforts to the delivery of high quality patient care.

This also supports NHS Tayside's ongoing commitment to developing a 'healthy organisational culture' which is a priority of both NHS Tayside (through our People Matter Strategic framework) and of Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision.

Why is appraisal important?

Regular PDR & PDP conversations between a manager and a staff member help staff to:
  • be clear about what is expected of you in your job
  • have regular feedback on how you are performing at work
  • show how you contribute to the team objectives and purpose
  • show how your job supports safe and effective services for patients and their families
  • plan for any new learning you need, to gain new skills or improve existing skills
Development review process
If you are interested in finding out more on Appraisal Skills, specific sessions have been arranged in all NHS Tayside localities - click below to view available dates:
Appraisal Skills for Staff / Appraisal Skills for Managers

For more information please contact

How does appraisal link with NHSScotland's aims?

Personal development planning and review (PDP/R) is an important tool to help staff in NHSScotland achieve the 2020 Workforce Vision. It enables us to make sure that we have the knowledge and skills we need, when we need them and where we need them.

The principles and values around PDP/R in NHSScotland are detailed in the Personal Development Planning and Review PIN Policy.  The Staff Governance Standard sets out your rights and responsibilities as an employee of the NHS in Scotland.
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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022