How do I refer to CAMHS?

Hand writing the word Referrals
Referrals to CAMHS can only be made by professional staff, who are working with children and young people.

If you are a parent or a carer and have concerns about your child’s mental health, please contact your health visitor, school, GP, social worker or other professional who is involved with the family. They will be able to decide whether support from CAMHS is needed and can make the referral.

It’s usually best to speak with someone who knows your child best as they will have the most information. Remember, Specialist CAMHS services are not the appropriate service for children and young people who are experiencing normal reactions to significant life events such as a bereavement, parental separation or normal developmental challenges.

The pathway and information pages might help you explore this a bit more.
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NHS Tayside Logo White
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022