My child is on the waiting list for CAMHS but I am aware that other children are being seen quicker? Why is that?

We understand it can be really frustrating and upsetting when you are waiting to be seen and hear of someone who appears to be “jumping the queue”. Let us try to explain.
Because of the nature of our work, we have to be able to prioritise how children and young people are seen depending on the difficulties they are experiencing. Sometimes children’s and young people need to be seen quickly or they need to be prioritised because of the level of distress they are experiencing or the impact of their difficulties on their lives. This also makes it difficult for us to advise parents about waiting times, because the waiting list is always changing as we try to make sure those who need to be seen quickly, are.
This doesn’t mean your child’s needs are any less important and if your concerns about your child increase, you can follow the procedure outlined in our frequently asked question, “I am on the waiting list for CAMHS but I’m worried that things are getting worse for my child. What can I do ?
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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022