After my child has been discharged - do I need to be re-referred back to CAMHS if they need additional support in future?

Yes Button CAMHS
The short answer is yes, your child would need to be re-referred.
As a very busy service, we are unable to keep the service open to children and young people in case additional support later might be needed. If in the future you feel a re-referral is required, this can be done by any professional - GP, teacher, social worker.
Talk to them about your concerns in the first instance. If a re-referral is thought to be the best option, you may worry that this will mean you child has to wait again to be seen. As an extremely busy service, unfortunately this is likely and we apologise for this, but please be assured that we are constantly working to improve waiting times for our service to ensure all children and young people get the support they need when they need it.
There are other services who may be able to offer some support for your child and you whilst you wait. You can find these on our resources page.
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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022