CAMHS Improvement Updates

CAMHS Improvement Updates Infographic

The CAMHS Improvement Journey 

The CAMHS team use 'quality improvement' to continuously improve quality of care and outcomes for patients, stakeholders and staff. All staff actively participate in improvement work that is patient centred which is inclusive of engagement from all those who use our service or have lived experienced with CAMHS.

We know that keeping everyone in the loop on happenings in our improvement space is essential, so we have enhanced our website to make this easier. On this page we will regularly post details of ongoing improvement.

Please also check our Facebook and Instagram pages.
CAMHS Social Media Page Flyer

What's new? 

Playful Gardens Project 

Playful Garden Days ran from May to October 2022, designed with children and families who have additional needs in mind and suitable for those families waiting for assessment from CAMHS e.g. ADHD/Autism, and those who would like inclusive play opportunities. Whole families came come along and played together.

CAMHS teamed up with the University of Dundee, Art at the Start, DCA, Scrap Antics, Barnardo's and Dundee University Botanic Gardens to offer a range of playful and creative activities that spread through the Dundee Botanic gardens so families could explore and choose activities that suited their needs. Activities included Loose Parts play with scrap antics, messy art with Art at the Start, more structured art workshops with DCA, sensory space, indoor games and outdoor play prompts from Barnardo's and outdoor nature activities. There were trails and scavenger hunts to do independently too. The garden is a beautiful large space to enjoy with plenty room to run about, and with plenty quiet areas for those who needed a calm space. Staff were also on hand in parents needed support or someone to talk to and Perth Autism Support and Dundee ADHD Support Group ran information stall. We even provided snacks and drinks.

The six month pilot was funded by Cash for Kids and Festival of the Future. What did families say about Playful Gardens: "Being able to spend the day as a family without judgement from others", "Brilliant, relaxed, non judgemental, kids had a ball."

We are working hard to plan and fund more events in 2023. Events and booking details are advertised through our Facebook and Instagram pages: @nhstaysidecamhs. Keep any eye out for updates.
Playful Gardens

Online Neurodevelopmental Portal 

You are probably aware of the challenges for NHS Tayside CAMHS due to significantly increased demand for Neurodevelopmental assessment. This means there are now significant waiting times. We understand this is frustrating and stressful for families and as a team we share that frustration and stress. We are working hard to improve our service to ensure that children and young people are seen as quickly as we can.

What we heard from families is a need to be able to access immediate information and strategies to support children and young people.

Funding was sourced from The Community Wellbeing Fund across Tayside for the creation of an online Neurodevelopmental Portal for families to access whilst they wait to be seen. Last year, content of the portal was determined by the needs identified by those 300 families who took part in our online survey or focus group. Content has been created and delivered by local CAMHS clinicians via videos, infographics, text and downloads. We are in the final stages of the build and the website will be launched in summer this year. Here's a sneak peak of what we've been working on. ND Portal Image 3


The Decider Skills Online for Parents 

The Decider Life Skills are 12 proactive mental health skills based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, that can support children and young people to better manage emotionally difficult situations.

Mental Health Education Officers, in 2023, will be running a rolling four week programme online for parents on Tuesday evenings from 6.30 - 7.30. This is an opportunity for all Tayside parents, who would like to learn the skills, to have opportunity to do so. Keep an eye on our facebook and Instagram pages @nhstaysidecamhs for booking information.

The Wee Forest Garden Project 

Would you like the option of attending your appointment in a garden room? Would you like to see a sensory regulation trail in the garden?

We are currently exploring improvements to our building to ensure children, young people and families feel as welcome and comfortable attending as possible. Those who have visited our site at Dudhope in Dundee will know we are based in a beautiful garden setting, but should we try to utilise this space more as a place to meet CAMHS clinicians or find a bit of calmness and regulation?

We’d love to hear your views - access our survey here.
Wee Forest Garden Project
HM Queen Elizabeth II black and white
NHS Tayside Logo White
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022