Excellence in Care Assuring and Improving Nursing and Midwifery Care in Scotland
Excellence in Care is Scotland’s national approach to assuring and improving nursing and midwifery care in response to a request from the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, supported by the Chief Nursing Officer's Directorate and Scottish Executive Nurse Directors.

The approach will identify 'Excellence in Care' from patient to Board and must align and integrate with existing improvement programmes, e.g., Scottish Patient Safety Programme, and identify specific indicators that clearly evidence the nursing and midwifery contribution to the delivery of person centred, safe and effective standards of care and must also support a reduction in harm, variation and waste.

Excellence in Care Vision

Excellence in Care (EiC)’s vision is to provide assurance whilst promoting the culture and conditions in which high-quality standards of care are delivered consistently across Scotland. This will be achieved through the unique contribution of nurses and midwives working as part of a multi professional team, who are enabled to flourish and provide excellence every time.

Excellence in Care Framework


CAIR Dashboard

To support the Excellence in Care aims, NHS National Services Scotland developed the Care Assurance and Improvement Resource (CAIR), a central data repository and data visualisation system ‘dashboard’ that allows users to view and understand data, respond appropriately and plan improvement as required. CAIR will inform quality of care reviews at national and local level, and drive quality improvement.

The approach also recognises the importance of enabling senior charge nurses, team leaders and the wider team to focus on what matters to them as professionals, whilst working in partnership with patients and families to foster meaningful improvements in care.
Further information can be found on the Healthcare Improvement Scotland web site.
NHS Tayside Excellence in Care Lead Nurse
Heather Whatley, heather.whatley@nhs.scot
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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022