Obstetric Antenatal Clinics

Ninewells, Dundee

Contact phone number: 01382 633861
The Antenatal clinic is open from 0900-17.00 Monday to Friday offering care for women who need some input and care from the medical team.
If you have some additional risk factors in pregnancy you may attend this clinic more than the community midwife. For example, if you have diabetes, a medical condition or if you are expecting twins.
We also have specialist clinics for women who need to be seen by other specialty doctors such as Anaesthetists or the Epilepsy team.


Contact phone number: 01738 473270
The antenatal clinic offers care from the obstetrician for women who require it. This might be due to a twin pregnancy, previous pregnancy complications and/ or medical conditions.
There is also a combined diabetic/obstetric clinic for women with diabetes in pregnancy.


Contact phone number: 01241 822537
The Angus midwifery team provide antenatal care for all women in Angus and have clinics in the maternity unit and health centres.
They have support from a consultant obstetrician who holds monthly clinics in the unit.
Women who require medical input are referred to Ninewells antenatal clinic. Care will then be planned between the named midwife and the team in Ninewells.
There are some ultrasound scan facilities for dating / nuchal translucency scans in Arbroath which means many women can access their appointments close to home.
The midwives are available 24 hrs per day to answer your questions and, if appropriate, provide you with a face to face review both before and after your baby is born.

The Day Assessment Unit (DAU): Ninewells

Contact Number: 01382 496704
The Maternity Day Assessment unit in Ninewells is open 7 days a week between the hours of 0800 – 1930.
It provides a range of services for women who need some specialist care or monitoring. The ranges of services we provide include monitoring of women with raised blood pressure, treatment for low iron levels, glucose testing during pregnancy and monitoring of high risk medical conditions during pregnancy.
We also provide outpatient Induction of Labour for women. Care is usually planned but can sometimes be arranged at short notice in response to changes in pathways of care.
Women are usually referred by their midwife or doctor to the day assessment unit.

Perth Day Assessment

Contact Number: 01738 473557
We run a day assessment unit in Perth, offering locally based care for women who require additional care such as Blood Pressure monitoring, Twin pregnancies, testing for diabetes etc.
This service runs Monday – Thursday 0900-1600 and Friday 0900-1300. Women are referred by their midwife, obstetrician or GP.

Maternity Triage

Contact Phone number: 01382 632075
Maternity triage is a 24-hour emergency telephone and outpatient service for women who are 14 weeks pregnant and over. It is staffed by midwives and is located on level 7 of Ninewells Hospital (next to the antenatal clinic).
The triage midwives provide telephone advice to women experiencing problems relating to their pregnancy such as bleeding, feeling unwell, pain, blood pressure problems and baby not moving.
You would also call Ninewells Maternity Triage or your local Community Maternity Unit when you are in labour.
You may be asked to attend triage for review following the telephone consultation or given advice to see your GP, community midwife or self care at home.
You will be advised to telephone back if you have any more concerns, questions or if support is required.
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