Mental Health Nursing - One Profession Many Stories workforce campaign

Mental Health Nursing – One Profession, Many Stories
‘Mental Health Nursing – One Profession, Many Stories’ was a joint campaign by NHS Tayside and the University of Dundee which aimed to raise awareness of the work and experiences of mental health nurses in Tayside.
Launching on World Mental Health Day 2018, the campaign saw a series of videos shared on NHS Tayside and the University of Dundee’s social media sites with the hashtag #OneProfessionManyStories. The videos featured mental health nursing students, newly-qualified nurses at the start of their careers, professionals with well-established careers and service users, as well as the history of mental health services and visions for the future.

The campaign aimed to attract new students into the profession and recruit and retain staff in Tayside by showcasing the positive, life-changing impact mental health nurses make to people every day, and highlighting the many career opportunities within mental health nursing.

The videos direct people on how to find out more about mental health nursing, including how to get started on the career path at the University of Dundee or choosing NHS Tayside as a place to come to work in mental health services.
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NHS Tayside Logo White
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022