Setting goals and tracking your progress

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Setting goals

In games like football, rugby and hockey, knowing where the goal-posts are helps us to focus our aim.  The same is true of behaviour, setting a goal can help us to direct our energies.  Ensuring our goals are SMART helps us to get the most out of our efforts.  SMART goals are:
Specific -   helps us to be clear about what we want to achieve
Measureable - allows us to check to what extent we have achieved our goals
Achievable -  ensures our expectations are realistic
Relevant - we are more likely to achieve goals that are important to us
Timely - having a deadline helps to motivate us

The British Heart Foundation has some great tips for setting and reaching realistic goals here.  


Self-monitoring is a behaviour change technique that involves regular recording of our habits.  It helps us to see where we can make changes to help us achieve our goals.  Research tells us that people who self-monitor regularly achieve their goals quicker.

There are several options for self-monitoring.  Some people like to keep a notebook or a diary; others use apps and fitness monitors.  When developing a self-monitoring system, you need to know what you want to monitor and find a way to record this that works for you.
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1926 - 2022