Healthy Eating

What is the Eatwell Guide?

It is the UK government's healthy eating model.  It applies to most people, but not to children under two years old.

The Eatwell Guide helps us eat a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of fruit, vegetables and starchy carbohydrates plus some dairy, meat, fish, pulses and other kinds of protein.  It is divided into five sections.  These sections show how much food from each food group is needed to have a well balanced, healthy diet - although a balance between the groups is not necessary in each individual meal.
Eatwell Guide

Image of Eatwell Guide: Crown Copyright Public Health England in association with the Welsh government, Food Standards Scotland and the Food Standards Agency in Northern Ireland

It replaced the Eatwell Plate as the main tools showing you a healthy balance diet.  It no longer represents a "plate" but still shows the proportions of the foods and drinks that make up a healthy diet.  The proportions of food groups have been updated to take into account the new dietary recommendations for more fibre and less sugar.  Click on the links below for more information and resources. 
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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022