Social Prescribing in Dundee

PCIP social prescribing asset image
In Dundee Sources of Support is a Social Prescribing service attached to all GP practices and has a team of 8 link workers and 2 support workers. The link workers negotiate, liaise, advocate and communicate on the patient's behalf at the same time as they help to build the capacity and resilience of the patient to deal with issues themselves.

The service is for patients aged 16 or over whose mental health and wellbeing are affected by social and economic issues. Referrals can be made by any member of the practice staff. Self-referrals will also be accepted - if you're interested in accessing the service you should contact your GP practice.
PCIP social prescribing asset wording - Nov 22
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NHS Tayside Logo White
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022