Realistic Medicine Huddles

Realistic Medicine Huddles

What are Realistic Medicine Huddles?
The purpose of the huddle is to support the delivery of high quality, clinically led, efficient and effective services within NHS Tayside. To provide a supportive environment, facilitated by the huddle lead and supported by Public Health Scotland (PHS), in which relevant clinical leaders, operational managers and support structures are brought together to discuss variation in practice and outcomes. There is the opportunity to explore/review data and it's validity, reflect on differences compared with other Boards, and agree actions for improvement.

The Format of Realistic Medicine Huddles?
All services are formally invited annually on a date agreed between each clinical lead and the huddle lead. Public Health Scotland provides service specific high level data packs using Discovery data and Atlas of Variation, if applicable (or bespoke requested) which are circulated prior to huddle. Links in NHS Tayside, between Health and Business Intelligence, Health Records and TrakCare Teams have been established to allow for information sharing, transparency and to minimise duplication.
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NHS Tayside Logo White
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022