Patient Knows Best

Patient Knows Best (PKB) is a new system which allows patients to login from home and access their test results directly. As an online system, if you have an account then you can access your record from anywhere you have internet access.
PKB has been in use successfully in NHS England & Wales for over a year now, and it went live in Scotland in September 2023.

If you want to register for PKB then please speak to your named nurse or consultant.  

The following link will open the Patients & Carers page for PKB and provides a little background to the system. You may see a button inviting you to register - please do not register direct - please contact us to register.

Patient Knows Best

The system has been tested thoroughly and is completely secure.
HM Queen Elizabeth II black and white
NHS Tayside Logo White
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022