Young Person

Girl pointing up to the words services, support, emotions and behaviour

What is the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service?

Child and adolescent mental health services, covers a whole range of services and support available to you as a young person if you are having a difficult time with how you are feeling, how you are coping emotionally, or if you are behaving in a way that's not usual for you.

NHS Tayside Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, often referred to by young people as CAMHS, is a specialist service.

What do we mean by specialist service?

We support children and young people with more severe or concerning emotional, behavioural or functional difficulties including;
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • eating disorders
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Autism (ASD)
younger and older child with words for individuals aged 6 to 18

How can we help you?

Think about your reasons for visiting our website today, what information are you looking for and how does your experience compare to the experiences highlighted in this picture?
CAMHS InfoGraphic mental health

Thank you!

A big thank you to the young people of Tayside and Cool2talk for helping us to develop this section of the website.

Click on the links below to find out more about who can help you and to learn ways to look after yourself when you are experiencing difficulties with your mental health.
HM Queen Elizabeth II black and white
NHS Tayside Logo White
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022