A Mental Health Concern

You have arrived at this page because you are looking for more information relating to a mental health concern. 
Anything that has an impact on your emotional wellbeing can leave you feeling pretty awful.

Feeling sad, angry, worried or stressed can all have a negative impact on your life, especially if it means you start to enjoy life less. Sometimes you may experience emotional difficulties, feel alone and not sure what might help. It can be very difficult to talk about your feelings and what’s happening in your life. Maybe you feel sad or confused, have experienced a loss, are being bullied or are questioning your sexuality. Whatever the issue, we all need help from other people at times.

It’s important to remember not every period of difficulty which affects your mental health will result in you developing a mental illness. Actually, for most young people times of distress can be supported by those around you, by learning new coping skills or by finding someone you trust to talk to.

Talking to someone who knows you, like your parents, carers or teacher is a good place to start. You can get some additional support from others such as a school nurse, a wellbeing worker or counsellor at school, a GP or perhaps a social worker if you have one.

Any professional can make a referral to CAMHS for you if and when it's needed.

When to seek support from CAMHS?

Ask yourself these 3 questions:-
1. Have the difficulties you’ve been having been around for 6 months without any improvement or has there been a sudden unexplained change in how your feeling or behaving?

2. Are the difficulties you are having with your mental health making different areas of your life really difficult e.g. not going to school, not spending time with others or enjoying the things you used to do, interrupting your sleep, eating issues, or behaving in a way that is really out of character for you?

3. Are there other complex risk factors present? E.g. Are you a care experienced young person? Have your parents had their own mental health issues? Have you experienced abuse in the past? Have you had mental health difficulties before?

If you answered Yes to 2 or more of these questions, a referral to CAMHS might be appropriate. 

What else can I be doing to look after myself ?

Start by having a look at our Common Concerns and Information pages which cover a range of concerns such as low mood, worry and anxiety.  You'll find lots of  hints and tips there. Visit our resources pages for websites and support services.
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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022