Florence (Flo)

Flo Logo

What is Flo?

Florence or 'Flo' as we like to call her has been designed by Simple.UK together with NHS professionals.  Flo is a simple, web-based, text messaging system that supports people to self-manage their own health conditions remotely meaning you don't need to make so many trips to the surgery or clinic.  Flo communicates by text to and from patients’ own mobile phones. It will work with any mobile phone or network to send and receive text messages. All texts to and from Florence are free .  Even if your phone sends you a generic message saying you will be charged, you will  not. You can check that Flo's number is a free to text number by going to this website: www.phonepayplus.org.uk

The things Flo can help you with include but are not limited to:  
. Taking readings to monitor the effects of new treatments or medications
· Sending reminders or encouraging messages to support you to take care of yourself more
· Measuring blood pressure, weight, blood sugar glucose or other indicators
· Identifying flare-ups of different conditions so that you can get the right treatment sooner

Flo combines the expertise of our healthcare teams and your familiar and convenient mobile phone to communicate with you directly.  This means you can monitor your own long-term conditions at home with the support of Flo. If the clinician needs to look at your readings they can do so remotely without you having to make a trip to the clinic or surgery.

What do I need to have to use Flo?

All you need is a mobile phone that uses text messaging– there is no specific requirement for a smart phone, older models work just as well.

How can I use Flo?

If your healthcare provider uses Flo you may be offered Flo to help support you maintain good health.

Flo is now used by many GP Practices across Tayside to monitor and control blood pressure.  If you have an issue with your blood pressure and would be interested in monitoring this remotely ask your local GP if this is something you can access.

NHS Tayside Maternity Services are using Flo for blood pressure monitoring and routine urine tests and Flo can also used to monitor heart function. Please ask your midwife or obstetrician about the possibility of these options being incorporated into your care planning.

HM Queen Elizabeth II black and white
NHS Tayside Logo White
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022