Public Health Committee

The remit of the Public Health Committee is to promote public health and oversee population health activities with regular feedback to the full Board to ensure that the Board develops a long term vision for public health.

The key duties of the Public Health Committee are:
  • To consider the public health priorities for NHS Tayside;
  • To review the development of a Co-produced Strategic Plan for Public Health and monitor its implementation through regular progress reports and review of intermediate measures and long term outcomes
  • To ensure that public health strategic planning objectives are part of the Board’s overall objectives, strategic vision and direction;
  • To support the Board in taking a long term strategic approach to the health of the population;
  • To review the development of the Board's Public Health Directorate’s three domains of Health Protection, Health Improvement and improving the quality of Health Services;
  • To undertake scrutiny of individual topics/projects/work-streams to promote the health of the population, including NHT staff;
  • To oversee the funding allocated to public health activities by the Board;
  • To support the Directorate of Public Health in its advocacy role with stakeholders, partners, national bodies and Governments in promoting health;
  • To provide the Board members who are part of IJBs with information and evidence to promote public health; and
  • To ensure appropriate links to other key work of the Board such as Transforming Tayside
The Chair of the Committee is Mr Bob Benson and the Vice Chair is Prof Rory McCrimmon The Lead Officer is Dr Emma Fletcher

For more information about the exact role, remit and purpose of the Public Health Committee please refer to the NHS Tayside Code of Corporate Governance.

Agenda Items

Items for the agenda should be submitted to

For further information/queries please email

Further Info


Latest Papers

Combined Papers


Minutes of Previous Meetings